Photo Credit: Jen Stewart of Creative Image Photography
We live in a time where women have more opportunities than ever before. But many of us are trying to “do more” and “be more” at a high cost to our health, relationships and well-being.
I recently read an interesting article about, “Rushing Woman’s Syndrome” and the negative impact that doing too much, too fast, can have on our bodies.
We search for balance as we juggle many plates, but how do we stay afloat as we tread water between breakfast and bedtime?
Do you feel the tug of war—the tension—of trying to balance both work and family, or ministry and home?
What are we to do when we feel called to more than one thing?
How do you thrive in the “pull” between Titus 2 and the other giftings that God has entrusted to you?
Here are 2 (of 5) steps to consider:
1. Be aware of crosswinds: Your callings won’t likely fit neatly into separate boxes. There will be cross-over. Your child may need you when you are on the cusp of producing a masterpiece. Or your boss may give you a non-negotiable deadline that falls on an important family date. Don’t stress when your callings bleed together but ask God to help you rest in His Sufficiency, and call in reinforcements if necessary.
2. Gather a lifeboat: Ask a team to help support you in both calm and stormy seasons. Have a small group ready to pitch in if needed and cover you in prayer as you go forward. Fill your “lifeboat” with others who will encourage you and help you see coming danger, while holding you accountable to your callings.
To read tips 3-5 head on over to iBelieve.com and read the full article, How to Deal with the Tension of Two Callings…
P.S. Thank you to everyone who has already purchased a copy of Tale of Our Lives: Reflection Pond. We were #3 in the Writing Skills section on Amazon the other day, exciting! If you did purchase a copy please consider leaving an honest review on Amazon. Also, the book is now $1.99 (for a limited time, then it will go up). Grab your copy today!
Your encouragement and support of my story, “Extra Salt on the Fries” (that is published in this women’s memoir anthology) is so appreciated. Thank you for making this launch week so fun! If you missed our celebration video you can catch it here.
P.P.S. Linking up with Kelly Balarie at Purposeful Faith for the #RaRaLinkup. Join us!
You inspire me every day, Katie, with your ability to be a successful writer while still being s great wife and mother. It’s no wonder, then, that you would write this great piece of advice for women trying to balance multiple priorities! Thank you! You are as wise as you are talented.
Thank you Linda. Appreciate your encouragement!
Congrats 🙂 Off to read…
Thank you Dolly! 🙂
Yes, wonderful words, Katie. As I pondered this, I took a walk and noticed a Warning sign posted on a telephone pole where I turned around. The sign was warning anyone who would lay pipe or dig near-by because there were cables laid underground. They needed to call a certain number before working and locate the lines. For some reason that really stuck out to me. As I prayed about it, I realized it held a similar message as your post – as I continue to write and pursue a new calling I hear God leading me to, I have to remember there were cables laid underground FIRST (my family) and that whatever I add to the soil has to go around that, or I damaged the cables. I committed to praying and asking to the Lord to show me how to do that! So thanks for sharing your writing Katie!
Hi Julie: What a powerful observation. You should turn it into a blog post. I am sure it will help many. I know that image will stick with me. Thank you!
Can I share your comment on my fb page Julie (giving you credit of course)?
Yes you may. 🙂