Day #27 brings another guest post from my Dad. I am thankful for family supplying information for this series; 31 days is a long time to write! And thanks to Cousin Rich for providing the photo in this post of Brian with Cousin William and Dad; perfect timing.
Anyone remember Lee Majors in The Fall Guy? Brian and I were watching an episode of this show one evening, and Jason Kingsley played a boy who was a runner (his mother, Emily Perl Kingsley was a writer for Sesame Street).
Brian commented, “Jason is a good runner.”
A little later in the show, Brian asked me, “Does Jason have Down Syndrome?”
“Yes, Brian, he does,” I said.
His reply, “Do I have Down Syndrome?”
“Yes, Brian, you do have Down Syndrome.”
He seemed to accept this. This was the first time that I recall that he put these thoughts into words.
While living in Connecticut, years earlier, my wife and I had met Michael Kelly Blanchard and his wife Greta. We heard through friends that Michael had written a beautiful song that told the story of a couple at the birth of their son who had Down Syndrome. The song describes their struggle with the decision to have surgery, or not, to save his life, and then goes on to tell of Danny’s life at age eight.
You have heard this song, Danny’s Downs, earlier on this blog. Brian has heard this, “his song”, many times, and when he’s heard Michael sing it in person, he stands in reverence. We had the privilege of hearing Michael sing Danny’s Downs at the National Down Syndrome Congress Convention in Providence, RI.
And guess who else we saw at the conference, dressed in a fancy three-piece suit? Jason Kingsley. Yes, the same guy who would play a runner on The Fall Guy, and who made his TV debut with the Cookie Monster, the letter C, and the number 3.

Cousin William, Brian and my Dad at a family wedding this Labor Day. I love the look of admiration Bri has for his cousin.
Deep Breaths: What, or who, inspires you? Talk a walk and take in the uniqueness of autumn. How does God use His creation (nature, people, music, etc.) to point you to Himself and His character? Does your life stand in reverence of the Creator?
Habakkuk 3:2 “LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD…”