a heart-to-heart from a friend who “gets it”- the hard, the hurt, and
the heights of this mysterious messy miracle called motherhood. – Katie
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Read this book: Surprised by Motherhood by Lisa-Jo Baker
RUN out and buy it immediately!!!
I have laughed and cried, I have felt encouraged and strengthened, and my mission of motherhood has been renewed!”
You make the music that makes the life that gives the rhythm to the day
in and out and in again.
and wailing battle cry of birth.
And when you’re empty, when you’re bone dry you wring out one more drop,
one more bottle,
one more soothing the temper tantrum.
You face the awkward parent-teacher moments. You listen.
You translate for your child.
You do the hard work of teaching at every turn.
You find a hundred new ways to answer a hundred new versions of the question, “Why?”
You disagree with him, you make her change her skirt, but you love fiercely from beneath those unruly bangs. You learn to laugh at your reflection.
You revel in your smiley wrinkles.
You venture out into an ocean of vulnerability with only a small dinghy and two short oars to keep you afloat when you become a parent.
it grows heavy with determination.
No one will wound these children without going through you first.
A lighthouse in the storm of Internet and Facebook
and failed grades and peer pressure.
And on your quietest, least interesting days, you get better at hearing the music of motherhood.
Slowly, a harmony rises from the collection of tasks every mother cycles through in a day—
this sacred marriage of the mundane and the eternal.
There is no. part. of. your. everyday, wash-and-rinse-and-repeat routine. that. isn’t. significant.
You make the music that makes the life that gives the rhythm to the day in and out and in again.
You are braver than you know.
Because you mother.

Surprised by Motherhood: Everything I Never Expected About Being a Mom. No matter what stage you’re in when it comes to motherhood, we promise it will encourage. And remind you that you are braver than you think.
Mother’s Day, Lisa-Jo is giving away a signed bookplate to three of my
fabulous blog readers (she will personalize them with a name of your
choice). To enter, leave a comment and we will announce the winners this
Friday, May 9th. For an additional entry share this blog post and
giveaway via twitter and/or facebook, and mention that you shared in
your comment. Good luck!
As hard as it has been, I am so grateful I became a mother. I would not give up the joy, disappointments, late nights, cuddles, surprises, love etc….. for anything. My children have given me great joy and I can't wait to see the wonderful adults they will and are becoming.
Amen Lisa.:) Thanks for stopping over here on the blog.
I am continually blessed as I finish your book, Lisa-Jo. Thank you for your encouragement. I am a better mother because of it – renewed and refreshed by your words. I am reminded by your post that serving my family is significant!
Isn't it great Beth?! So glad you are reading it and loving it.