Photo Credit: Adopting Nations
Yesterday was my birthday. It was a great day! Thanks for all the warm wishes.
This is a different kind of blog post than usual. I thought it’d be fun to share some random facts in honor of my 39 years.
39 Things You Might Not Know About Me:
1. On the streets of Calgary (not Calvary) Bill Murray told me I could get a picture with him if I stopped slouching. I’ve been working on my posture ever since.
2. My sisters and I sang, “I’ve Got A Gal in Kalamazoo,” on Jimmy Kimmel’s stage before the live show aired.
3. I got to record a lullaby with a small group from our Children’s Chorus for a Gerber Baby Food video that was to be shown at their headquarters.
4. In 4th Grade, I won a drawing contest at the library. The winner got their drawing turned into placemats at the local McDonald’s and my family received a $20 gift certificate to eat there. This was the 80’s and $20 went a long way. P.S. I’m old enough to remember Micky D’s before chicken nuggets.
5. I almost drowned in the neighbor’s pool when I tried to help a young boy who was struggling to swim.
6. When I was little I saw Jane Seymour in an old-fashioned costume at the Grand Hotel, filming Somewhere in Time, I said, “Hey Dad, look at the old lady” (referring to her attire, not her looks).
7. Hubby and I rode from Lansing to Mackinac on a tandem rode bike and lived to tell about it.
8. Rooibos tea is my favorite—especially cream caramel.
9. I used to want to own a red Mazda Miata.
10. When I went to college I wanted to have a job as a lounge singer and wear a sequin dress and sit on a piano while I sang (probably because I watched the movie Beaches too many times).
11. In college I also wanted to solve the JFK Assassination conspiracy in my spare time. That didn’t exactly pan out. Never even finished the book I bought on the subject. My 7th grade history teacher sparked this interest with his fascinating theories.
12. I don’t like cake usually. That is all.
13. I like musicals. Bring on the jazz hands. I’ve been in a few myself. One of my favorites to watch is Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. I got to see it on Broadway with my friend Jenn and her family—so good! Maybe I’ll be in it someday.
14. I like raspberries. I used to sneak them out of our neighbors yard when I was little. She would yell at me, “Get out of my patch!”
15. In my opinion, chocolate and peanut butter are a perfect combination.
16. I am a loud phone talker. This is not one of hubby’s favorite qualities about me.
17. I like to have all our DVD’s in ABC order. It’s a losing battle.
18. I have traveled to Japan and Costa Rica.
19. Singing the National Anthem at a professional football game is on my Bucket List.
20. I think Kermit the Frog is cute. Might have had a crush.
21. I struggle with overeating. It’s gotten much better over the years but there are still some issues.
22. I am an outgoing introvert.
23. I don’t dust or iron—okay, maybe once a year, but that’s pushing it.
24. I am a creative cook. I like to add my own flair to dishes. This usually works in my favor—well, at least it’s gotten better over the years. But the family is still skeptical when I say there’s a secret ingredient.
25. I usually fall asleep during movies. This is also not one of hubby’s favorite qualities about me.
26. I am sensitive. My feelings get hurt easily.
27. I am confrontational. I like to deal with things right away so we can move on.
28. I am quick to jump to conclusions. This doesn’t usually work in my favor.
29. I worry a lot—too much.
30. Twice I’ve dropped a ski while water skiing and stayed up on one for awhile—thrilling.
31. I was voted Class Snob and Class Flirt in high school—ugg.
32. I spend way too much time thinking about what song I would audition with for reality music shows.
33. I love to stop and smell the roses, literally, or whatever other fragrant flower is around.
34. Hummingbirds are probably my favorite bird.
35. I hate mice.
36. My favorite number is 22. When I was eleven I liked a boy who was eleven, so I doubled our ages and came up with the number 22 to be my favorite. Weird.
37. I used to tell this joke when I was little, “What’s smaller than a banana peel?” Answer? The sky. My rationale was that if you flipped the earth upside down than the sky would be under the banana peel. Still doesn’t make any sense, but it did to me at the time.
38. We like to name our kids unique names. We have a hard time finding some of their names on anything because of it. We think long and hard about what our kids names will be and pick something that has a deep meaning to us. For obviously reasons, Will, Page, Story, Might, Can and Don’t are out (because of our last name). 😉
39. I’m not sure how I feel about the big 4-0 next year, but I’m enjoying 39 just fine.
Well, there you have it. Come on back this Thursday as Jolene Underwood guest posts for the #UnravelingGrace series.
P.S. I am giving you a gift in honor of my birthday. Head on over here to Noise Trade to download four of the tracks from my album, Echoes of My Heart. If you could leave a review on Amazon afterwards, that would be a gift to me!
P.P.S. Linking up with the #RaRaLinkup today. Join us for a big dose of encouragement.
Cute, Katie. I love things like this. I’ve heard that Bill Murray says random crazy stuff.
Thank you Mary. 🙂
Oh, and happy birthday!
So did you end up getting a picture with Bill Murray? This was fun to read. Class Snob? Really? I love your joke. I’m a loud phone talker too. Thanks for sharing!
Happy Birthday to you Jessi! 🙂 We saw him outside our hotel on vacation. Loud phone talkers, unite!
This is such a fun post. I’m a loud phone talker too, and I never iron. Some of your facts about yourself really made me smile!
Thank you Betsy. Yeah for not ironing- so overrated!
How fun! I love learning more about you. I hope you had a happy birthday. Oh, and I don’t iron or dust either. 🙂 xoxo
Thanks Kristin. So glad I’m not alone. 🙂
Fact … when I read #1 I immediately sat upright aware of my posture!!! I’m a musical fan also and secretly see myself on Broadway performing in Joseph!
Thank you for sharing such a fun post … and HAPPY BIRTHDAY sprinkled with some #RaRaLinkup love! 🙂
Yes, love Joseph! Any dream will do. 🙂 Thank you!
Katie, an outgoing introvert! I like that term. I think that definitely explains me. I’m a worrier too! I also love Broadway musicals!!
Outgoing introverts- yes!
Katie, I loved your list! I may have to borrow this idea next month when I celebrate my birthday! And, your album? So so good – enjoyed the little preview!
Thank you Susan. Yes, do a list and let me know so I can read it!
Katie this was so much fun! I loved learning all these new things about you. I’m glad you had a wonderful birthday and am continually blessed by you, my friend. Oh and I’m a loud phone talker too. It’s not one of my hubby’s favorite qualities. 😉
Happy Birthday Katie!
I’ve never met you, but I graduated from high school with your husband.
Your list was a lot of fun to read. I would still love to one day own a red Mazda Miata (though it comes in second place to my lifelong love of Mustangs!)
I wish I could get away with never dusting… but we all have major dust allergies. Now ironing— that is something I never do!
Okay, you inspired me to write my own post. Since I am a year older than you, I came up with 40 things you may not know about me. Thanks for the idea Katie!
LOL Mom! U rock! How come I didn’t know nearly half of these things? 😀 I <3 U!
LOL Mom! U rock! How come I didn’t know nearly half of these things? 😀 I <3 U!
LOL Mom! U rock! How come I didn’t know nearly half of these things? 😀 I <3 U!
Oops, sorry, technical difficulties. :/