I’ve heard some criticism about the movie Moms’ Night Out. But you won’t find it here. This Mommy Blogger gives the movie two sticky thumbs up for family-friendliness, relatability, and much-needed encouragement. You see, when you’re a mom, you often feel guilt (at least I do) and often doubt yourself and your abilities…
I’m not doing enough, I’m not doing it “right’, quickly turns into I’m not enough, I’m not right.
I’m not doing enough, I’m not doing it “right’, quickly turns into I’m not enough, I’m not right.
I started laughing before the first scene even came on. As the main character, Allyson, started talking, I suspected someone had bugged our home for movie content.
Allyson: I’m a mommy blogger…I am a mommy blogger…get ready for some pearls of wisdom…I have 3 followers. Yesterday I had 4, so that’s awesome. I am like the Bruce Banner of moms. I don’t want to turn into the Hulk, but it just happens.
From the funny, not-totally-exaggerated messy moments of motherhood to the touching, this-hits-so-close-to-home and heart moments...Moms’ Night Out was just what I needed and wanted in an afternoon date with the Hubs. We laughed because we went during the day, on a Monday, with our one year old in tow. But, isn’t that what you do so often as a Mom? You make do and you get through and choose to laugh instead of crack.
Now, don’t misunderstand, there are many wondrous moments in motherhood, but it is also hard work, isn’t it? Living this dream amidst sibling screams and wondering how it will all work out or when you might be able to workout.
Sean: Hun, your job is…
Allyson: Hard, I know.
Sean: Important, that’s what I was going to say.
A few weeks ago as I welcomed the audience to our Homeschool Talent Showcase I took the liberty of asking all the homeschool moms to stand up for a much-needed, and overdue round of applause. Most teachers (whether public, private or home) hardly ever get the recognition that they deserve. Countless hours put in, often under scrutiny, pouring out and investing day after day. This is often the case for mothers too. The critics talk loud, and unfortunately we are often our worse critics.
Allyson: I can’t get in front of it no matter how much I give, how much I do…I just, I’m not enough.
Bones: For who?
Allyson: I don’t know. Sean, the kids, my mother…God…
Bones: For you? You’re not enough for you.
This tender exchange, between Allyson and Bones, rang true, down deep…tears flowed as another layer was peeled back from the onion, otherwise known as my heart. Husband gave me a knowing look. He already knew this was my struggle, and I had begun to suspect it too. But, there it was, portrayed on screen, causing my head and heart to nod in agreement.
It’s not that I am not enough for them, or him, or her, or Him…it’s me. I am not enough for me. And, on too many days, I beat myself up, and kick myself while I’m already down and wonder why I feel like the Hulk just beneath the surface. They don’t want perfect. They just want me.
I don’t have to be perfect as a wife, or mom, or at life. Because One came who was, and is and always will be. When I align with Him, with Jesus, I am enough. You are enough.
We are enveloped in His love and sufficiency, with all that beautiful grace and daily mercies.
Allyson: I’m a mommy blogger…I am a mommy blogger…get ready for some pearls of wisdom…I have 3 followers. Yesterday I had 4, so that’s awesome. I am like the Bruce Banner of moms. I don’t want to turn into the Hulk, but it just happens.
From the funny, not-totally-exaggerated messy moments of motherhood to the touching, this-hits-so-close-to-home and heart moments...Moms’ Night Out was just what I needed and wanted in an afternoon date with the Hubs. We laughed because we went during the day, on a Monday, with our one year old in tow. But, isn’t that what you do so often as a Mom? You make do and you get through and choose to laugh instead of crack.
Now, don’t misunderstand, there are many wondrous moments in motherhood, but it is also hard work, isn’t it? Living this dream amidst sibling screams and wondering how it will all work out or when you might be able to workout.
Sean: Hun, your job is…
Allyson: Hard, I know.
Sean: Important, that’s what I was going to say.
A few weeks ago as I welcomed the audience to our Homeschool Talent Showcase I took the liberty of asking all the homeschool moms to stand up for a much-needed, and overdue round of applause. Most teachers (whether public, private or home) hardly ever get the recognition that they deserve. Countless hours put in, often under scrutiny, pouring out and investing day after day. This is often the case for mothers too. The critics talk loud, and unfortunately we are often our worse critics.
Allyson: I can’t get in front of it no matter how much I give, how much I do…I just, I’m not enough.
Bones: For who?
Allyson: I don’t know. Sean, the kids, my mother…God…
Bones: For you? You’re not enough for you.
This tender exchange, between Allyson and Bones, rang true, down deep…tears flowed as another layer was peeled back from the onion, otherwise known as my heart. Husband gave me a knowing look. He already knew this was my struggle, and I had begun to suspect it too. But, there it was, portrayed on screen, causing my head and heart to nod in agreement.
It’s not that I am not enough for them, or him, or her, or Him…it’s me. I am not enough for me. And, on too many days, I beat myself up, and kick myself while I’m already down and wonder why I feel like the Hulk just beneath the surface. They don’t want perfect. They just want me.
I don’t have to be perfect as a wife, or mom, or at life. Because One came who was, and is and always will be. When I align with Him, with Jesus, I am enough. You are enough.
We are enveloped in His love and sufficiency, with all that beautiful grace and daily mercies.
Bones: It’s beautiful to watch one of God’s creations just doing what it was made to do. Y’all spend so much time beating yourselves up. I doubt the good Lord made a mistake giving your kiddos the mom he did.
This movie was like a round of applause, for weary mamas, affirming that motherhood is indeed hard but also very important. I hope you have seen it, or will go see it soon. I hope it is like the savory aroma of buttery popcorn and as refreshing as that first sip of cold Pepsi after a long day.
You matter Moms. Maybe you’ll believe it after viewing this uplifting film.:)
With Joy and Thanksgiving,
P.S. Still need more convincing? Check out the movie trailer here.
Lamentations 3:23 “Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.”
We all need some fresh hope, especially at the beginning of the week, right? Join us for the link up (details below). This will be the last #inspireandgrow blog link-up until July, since we are getting ready to launch the Psalms Series over @ Deep Breaths.
Looking forward to watching Mom’s Night Out! Thank you for your time and effort to make this link-up possible. Blessings!
You are welcome Kaylene! Hope you enjoy the movie too.:)
I haven’t seen the movie yet, but look forward to doing so, especially after reading your post. Some days I can hear or read “I’m enough” all day long and still not believe it. We mamas need that encouragement daily, hourly, even sometimes minute-by-minute. Thank you for it today, Katie! May God bless you as you bless others through all you do!
Look forward to hearing what you think of the movie Julie. Maybe by the 100th time of “We’re enough” we’ll believe it, until then let’s keep telling our heads until our hearts “get it”.:)
It was the BEST movie! I seriously haven’t laughed that long and hard at any movie ever. 😀 And I needed it sooo bad. 😉 I think it’s great we both blogged on it today. How funny! 😛
Would have been fun to see it together!:) Loved your reflections too friend.